Antioxidants are molecules capabel of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules.
Oxidation is a chemical reaction that transfers electrons from a substance to an oxidizing agent.
Oxidation reactions can produce "FREE RADICALS" which start chain reactions that damage cells.
Anitoxidants terminate these chain reactions by removing "FREE RADICAL" intermediates, and inhibit other oxidation reactions by being oxidized themselves.
Anitoxidants terminate the chain reaction caused by "FREE RADICALS". Strong sunlight generates FREE RADICALS in the skin, hands, neck, arms; but particularly in the face.
VITAMIN E: Has the most fat soluble Anti-Oxidants in the body therefore is one of the most efficient chain breaking Anti-Oxidants available. VITAMIN C: Has the most abundant water soluble Anti-Oxidants and helps vitamin E to return to active form. BETA CAROTENE ALPHA: Assists in protecting cells from premature degeneration from "FREE RADICAL SCAVENGERS".
I am so glad to see these products on the market! The toxins in our modern day environment are overwhelming our bodies with stress and premature aging so I'll gladly fight back with the investment in these naturally beneficial formulations!