Our neighbor in New Mexico, Norman, is an entrepreneur who is in the skin cream business. Generously, he has given my husband and me samples of his creams and they are all wonderful. But Calma Cream is the best. One day I was cooking with very hot olive oil in a skillet. When I threw in some onions, the hot oil splashed out of the pan and onto my right forearm. It was quite a painful burn, which turned red immediately. I tried putting cold water on it, but that didn't help at all. I looked around for something to soothe the pain and redness, and there I saw the Calma Cream that Norman had given us on his last visit. Quickly, I applied it to my wound. Almost immediately the pain stopped and the redness disappeared – and never returned. Wow! Now, I am keeping that Calma Cream handy, so it is available whenever I need it.

- BARBARA / J.D., Ph.D.